SV 18-22 ETIndustrial vacuum cleaner with hopper suitable for heavy purpose, can be positioned by fork lift or overhead travelling crane(with a […]SV22 TIndustrial and centralized vacuum cleaner with hopper suitable for heavy purpose, can be positioned by overhead travelling crane(with a minimum […]SV30-37-45T/AVIndustrial and centralized vacuum cleaner with hopper suitable for heavy purpose, can be positioned by overhead travelling crane (with a […]SV55-75T/AVIndustrial and centralized vacuum cleaner with hopper suitable for heavy purpose, can be positioned by overhead travelling crane(with a minimum […]BLGA22-30-37-45-55-75/AVCentralized vacuum unit suitable for heavy purpose, can be positioned by overhead travelling crane of fork lift (with a minimum […]UF16-26-36The UniVac UF filter unit is design for the fixed and centralized systems . The air filtering system is composed […]